Courageous Conversations
A roadmap for effectively addressing tough topics (and people!)
Introduction to Glen Sharkey and his online courses
FREE PREVIEWHow to use this course
Sandra Pt 1.
Why THIS online program?
A word of caution to begin with
Sandra Pt 2.
So, Why Don't We? (And Why Should We?)
WORKSHEET: So, Why Don’t We, and Why Should We?
Module 2 in a Sentence
Sandra Pt 3
First Things First - The “Priority Hierarchy©” Model
WORKSHEET: First Things First - The “Priority Hierarchy©” Model
Module 3 in a Sentence
Sandra Pt 4
4a. Is It Just a Personality Clash? Behavioural Styles
4b. Is It Just a Personality Clash? Behavioural Styles
4c. Is It Just a Personality Clash? Behavioural Styles
WORKSHEET: Is It Just a Personality Clash? Behavioural Styles
Module 4 in a Sentence
Sandra Pt 5
5a. As Good As Money In The Bank! Relational Accounting
5b. As Good As Money In The Bank! Relational Accounting
WORKSHEET: As Good As Money In The Bank! Relational Accounting
Module 5 in a Sentence
Sandra Pt 6
6a. More Than One Way to Skin a Cat! The Warm Heart, Calm Head, Hard Nose Model©
6b. More Than One Way to Skin a Cat! The Warm Heart, Calm Head, Hard Nose Model©
WORKSHEET: More Than One Way to Skin a Cat! The Warm Heart, Calm Head, Hard Nose Model©
Module 6 in a Sentence
Sandra Pt 7
No Fence Sitters Allowed! Above and Below the Line
WORKSHEET: No Fence Sitters Allowed! Above and Below the Line
Module 7 in a Sentence
Sandra Pt 8
Setting the Tone; The “Y” Conversations Model©
WORKSHEET: Setting the Tone; The “Y” Conversations Model©
Module 8 in a Sentence
Sandra Pt 9
9a. Are We There Yet? The BISCuit Model©
9b. Are We There Yet? The BISCuit Model©
9c. Are We There Yet? The BISCuit Model©
9d. Are We There Yet? The BISCuit Model©
WORKSHEET: Are We There Yet? The BISCuit Model©
Module 9 in a Sentence
Sandra Pt 10
All Roads Lead to Rome; The Predictable Outcomes Model©
WORKSHEET: All Roads Lead to Rome; The Predictable Outcomes Model©
Module 10 in a Sentence
Sandra Pt 11
The Final Word
Sandra Pt 12